Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Isabella Marie (not to be confused with Isabelle Marie)

Nick and I were fortunate enough to have our friends, Ron and Cathy over last week for dinner...their 3 month old Isabella Marie totting along with them. It was such a blessing to see them for the first time as parents. They were absolutely GLOWING...truly happy parents, soaking up the joy that their baby gives them. I of course did my fair share of drilling questions to Cathy throughout the night about labor. This is a big, scary, somewhat impossible feat that boggles my mind. So while I had a candid audience, I thought I would take advantage of it. Cathy is a trouper. Believe me...I know...I have gone hiking with the woman...she is tough as nails. So of course it didn't surprise me one bit to hear not only did she have her baby al' natural...but also standing up. She said laying down hurt her back...the tub just wasn't working out...the big ball helped a little, but what truly worked the best was standing up. And a few hours later...there she was.I mean...really they probably could have put her up on some bricks, left her in a cave being flooded with water and a 2 year old on her shoulders (you must see the movie Apocalypto to appreciate this imagery), and she would have just survived right through it. But alas...Isabella is here, healthy and loving life. She has officially doubled her weight in just 3 months. She has begun to strengthen her neck muscles, but still enjoys being swaddled as tight as can be. But I have to admit, the best part about their visit was I have never seen Ron and Cathy so happy...what a blessing it was to see this.
I just love how little they are.

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