Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ami visits

Almost at the 6 month marker:
This weekend my sweet sister came up for a visit. It was so great having her here. She is one of those people who require no entertainment, no plans or no elaborate agendas. I have noticed through life, that there is quite a range of need for entertainment for people: From constantly at your side to "I haven't seen so-n-so for a while...are they still in the house?" I am forever comforted knowing that if she needs something she will get it and if she wants to do something she will tell me. Self entertainers are my favorite.

Ami arrived on Friday afternoon with a belly waiting to be filled. She spent some time getting to know Charlotte, then we were off on foot to Bellingham's finest burrito joint: Banditos Burritos. Afterwards, we did a little window shopping, which included a trip into Mi Shoes to see what was new on the shelves. Unfortunately our downtown excursion was cut short due to a puppy at home with a 2.5 hour bladder limit.

Saturday was quite different. Apparently Ami caught a bug during the night and after a few hours of "unpleasantness" woke up on Saturday exhausted and weak. She spent the majority of the day either in bed or on the couch. Selfishly, this was a bummer for me, due to the fact that Ami is so very fun to explore with, but my deepest concern was her and the baby's health...so I did my thing and checked in on her every once and a while. To her great credit, she was able to muster up enough energy for a short stroll in Fairhaven to check out a few baby stores.

Sunday, she was all healed, but a las our time had come to an end. She had a date to pick up Matt in Seattle in the early afternoon, so after church, a light lunch and a few last minute "tasks" that were planned to be a part of the weekend, she headed south. My heart was saddened because our time together felt so brief. But the beauty of timing was knowing that in 3 short days, we would be together again for the long Thanksgiving weekend!

I must mention that my favorite part of the weekend was late on Saturday night. Nick was reading in the living room and I was getting a creative burst of energy and decided to make Ami's baby shower invitations. After about a half an hour in the office, Ami came in all bundled up in a blanket and copped a squat on the floor next to me. We listed to a sermon on line (about the book of Revelation - so good, yet really intimidating to read by myself: "what do you mean 7 headed dragon???!!!) then chatted for a few hours about life. Times like these remind me of when we were young....living together in our parent's house. I wouldn't say that Ami and I "played" a lot together, but when we did, I remember it being so much fun. I looked up to her (and still do) so very much, that I warmly welcomed the opportunity to be near her at any chance. Though now that we are older and have our own lives, I still get the tingling feeling when we are together...that I can't believe how lucky I am to have such an admirable woman at my very disposal, to my very own, at that moment. Our times together may not be as frequent as I like (she is always welcome to move to Bellingham though), but when we are it brings so much joy in my heart!

Thank you Jesus for my sister!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Sounds like the two of you had a great time. It's always good to have family over....