Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just the Girls Today

Today, I am mentally exhausted and it is only 3:30pm. The puppy...she's racking my brain. Let's start from the top:

Last night when we finally hit the sac with Charlotte settled in right next to us (in her crate on the floor). Without a whimper, she was down and out for the count. It was a big day after all...she got new parents, a new home, new smells...oh life must be exhausting for a puppy. I woke up several times throughout the night...hoping that she was alright. I think scary SIDS (Silent Infant Death Syndrome) thoughts were running through my head. I mean, I know Charlotte isn't a baby, but still...she is so little and cute and relies on us so much. I just didn't want anything to happen to her. So when 6:30am rolled around, I was relieved. The morning routine (take her outside immediately, then feed her, then take her outside again, then play with her, then put her in the crate - See I am very By-the-book) was supposed to be Nick's job. But I was just so excited about this new creature that I had to be apart of it. We quickly discovered that this "feed her then take her outside to pee" thing doesn't really happen like that. She peed in her bed during the night. She has been after all, peeing in her bed her whole life up until it's up to us to break her of that habit. So as I clean her bed...Nick takes her outside to see if she has any left. Nope...she's empty. So, he brings her back inside to eat breakfast. She takes a few bites and considers it done. She is not interested in water, so we pick her up out of her bed so she can poop, but alas...she has already left us two lovely little nuggets (for those of you who don't have an animal...I hope I am not discusting you too much. As a matter of a fact, I probably wouldn't have even read through this whole blog last week, for I had no knowledge of what life is with a puppy. But for those of you who have had a are with me...I know you are). I am in shock and beginning to freak out at this point (note that it is 7:05am)...I mean...dogs aren't supposed to POOP in their bed right???? The book says so!!!! So, this time I take her out to see if she has any more and Nick cleans it up. Shockingly enough, Charlotte is all about playing and not about doing her deed. We try to be stern, but when she is running all over the place and frolicking in our garden, it's tough to keep her to focus on "going poddy." Alas, we figure she once again, emptied her tank inside and we head back in.

By this point I am both freaking out and trying to remain strong. I have the "day shift" with her all by myself and am trying to syke myself up for this adventure. I am reminded by Nick that he is just a phone call away, so if anything comes up, just call him. Nick has had 10 puppies in his life, so this is cake. I, on the other hand, am summoning all the strength I have not to quiver and cry in the corner.

By 9am it is time to take Charlotte out again for another pee. I take her out of her crate to take her outside, and bam...instant puddle on the floor. I figure this is better than in the crate, but not quite up to par with the backyard. I take her out anyway, so she can associate that that is the poddy place. Nothing gets through to her...she is running all over the place...deciding to test the limits and head to the front yard via crawling under the deck. Tricky little thing. Now it is's time for a leash. So...I gather her up, her crate and head to the PetStop for a collar and leash. With her, my purse and canvas bag (be Green!) in hand, I am realizing that trying on collars is going to be a bit of a challenge. The nice worker lady helped me after a 10 minutes of analyzing of which one fit Charlotte's' personality best. Pink collar with little bones it is - adjustable! We discover that she can kinda get out of it, but by next will be the perfect fit. On the way home, Charlotte is not too fond of the car ride, but this may be a blessing, because she hardly even realizes she has a collar on.

Once she is in the house, in the crate, I realize it is time for a run for me. I gather my stuff up and am really anxious about leaving her alone. What if someone breaks in and steals her? What if she just stops breathing? I am frantic, but trying to get a grip. After all, I am so fortunate that I can be at home with her all day anyways! So I go on a super short run and pray that she is alright. Honestly, I don't even think she missed me. She has taken to her crate quite well...her chewys and christian rock music is all she needs it seems like.

The lunch routine is pretty much exactly like breakfast, except this time, she can't get away while outside because I am loosely holding the leash...much better for us all.

After lunch, I realize that puppies are mentally exhausting. Yes...they take up time to feed and pee and play and clean up their messes, but really my mind is always Charlotte OK? Sometimes, I walk past her crate to pretend to be getting a pen or something just to make sure she moves. We are trying to teach her to hold herself (yeah...that's working great....) and independence. So for now, she stays in her crate between meals and after play time. But that doesn't stop me from going over there every 4 minutes just to check...see I just did it. She's fine. She's actually amazingly sweet. Just lays in very content...waiting for the next go around.

I am discovering that it is tough for me to balance between wanting to raise a good dog by being firm and just wanting to just play with her all day. I know that it won't be like this for much longer (hopefully 3 weeks max), but it is almost like torture to know that my little furry, bear like creature is in there. But then I remind myself that this is good for her (they like to have their own den) and for me (she realizes that we are top dogs around here).

I am just relieved that Nick will be home in an hour or so and we can tag team this together. Can you imagine if I ever have a kid??? I am going to be freaking out! THAT makes me tired just thinking about it. Oh and just as a side note...I haven't gotten a lick of work done today. Ahh well, I pretty much knew that was going to happen. Tomorrow is another day!


Cory Ferens said...

this is so funny! i was laughing the whole time...i can't wait until you have kids...

Jen Jones said...

Pez - You might need to make the crate smaller. They won't "do their business" in it if they have to sit in it. As she gets better - then give her just a bit more room.
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) Jen

Brian Bowker said...

The initial period of adjustment is hard and it takes a lot of work and diligence. But before you know it Charlotte will have you all trained up and you'll be good to go!

diana said...

You guys are doing a great job...keep up the good work! You are a great mama Andi and we will be praying for you and Nick!

Holly said...

Andi you crack me up! I can totally understand your "irrational fears". I am always concerned that if I leave Claire in the car while I run into get a coffee or something that takes 3 minutes, someone will steal her or she'll find something to chew on and choke! Shockingly, that's never happened :) You guys are doing a great job and way to have a plan of action and a schedule!