Friday, August 21, 2009

Mag 7 Gather Again - Swift River

In honor of my mother's birthday, the Mag 7 took a trip to Swift River Reservoir in Southern Washington. We did as we always do and just relaxed together.

Hanging at the campsite:
Eating (Pappi took it upon himself to introduce Delya to her first whole food: Cantaloupe):
Reading at the beach:

Sailing (Dad's make-shift canoe/sailboat):
And just Hangin':

Lewis River was about an hour drive from our campsite. We strolled through the lush-green landscape for a final destination at the Lower Falls. Gorgeous, pristine water, and oh-so refreshing! Since Washington's random heat wave hit that weekend...we all took advantage of the cool waters and lived like kids again.

Andi dusting off those old cheerleading skills:

Ami taking the plunge:
What a great hubby...helping Mommacita scale the rock:

4 of 7:
Thanks Mom! Great place to celebrate your birthday!

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