Saturday, January 3, 2009


It has been an interesting past week and a half. Nick's office shut down completely the week leading up to Christmas. This was an unexpected surprise...though a bit worrisome at first (financially), I quickly got over it and considered it a blessing. It has deemed to be such a blessed time in our marriage. For me, Christmas has always resembled excitement, joy and total, internal, child-like glee. With Nick and I having the opportunity to spend more time together...especially day time, where we aren't worn out from the ins and outs of a usual day...I feel it has refreshed our marriage and brought us closer together. Plus, I got to share the responsibility of carrying the Charlotte load, which Nick does magically, therefore bringing me that much more happiness and holiday cheer!
Due to the extended vacation time, we headed down to Steilacoom to be with the Lopez clan (or as my dad says, the Magnificent 6) before the big storm blew in the weekend prior to Christmas. Though the heavy snow and ice prevented leaving the grounds via car for few days, we found ways to pass time rather quickly. Games, movies, walks, meals, chats, naps, crafts and all the other things holidays brings to family gatherings. Such a tough life.It was a joy to be with Ami and watch her belly grow with each day. There is something so special about having a sister. I have spoke of this before, but I continue to be amazed of our friendship every time I think about her.

It was an especially unique Christmas, because this year will be the last year being foot loose and fancy free as the Mag 6. Next year there will be a 7 month old chilling around the house (Ami and Matt's daughter, just to be clear). But life goes like that...things change and we must change with them, and in this case, it will be a warmly welcomed change by us all.

Santa Bunny (as my sister says) spoiled me yet again this year. After 10 years of dreaming of owning a VitaMix of my very own, it finally came true. For those of you who are unfamiliar with said gift, swing by your local Starbucks and check out the apparatus that creates those gloriously smooth Frappacinos. That my friend is a VitaMix...or something close. Please don't be deceived, this is no ordinary blender. It can do a lot more than you think. It can make: Ice cream, peanut butter, fondue, soup (yes, that's right, hot soup) and of course any fabulous blended drink of your liking. It blends whole fruit...whole a lime or a lemon cut in half! It lives on our counter now and is eagerly awaiting your arrival to show off it's mad skills!

Nick and I decided not to exchange gifts in the traditional fashion this year. Instead we flipped through World Vision Gift Catalog ( and purchased goats and chickens for families in Africa to improve their livelihood. We were excited about finding a way to help I like saying I gave Nick a goat for Christmas.

Nick and I also went outside of the box for Ami's gift and gave her a "Bump and Baby Photo Session" courtesy of Taylor Swedberg Photography ( For those of you unfamiliar with this (I was in the same boat just 4 weeks ago), it consists of two photo sessions. The first of a pregnant mom showing off her "Bump." The second, a few months later, of Baby. Hence: Bump and Baby. Ami's first photo session was on Sunday and Taylor did an awesome job. He posted a few shots of her on his website, so check out the link above.

Celebrating Christ's birth and His miraculous life he lived was an amazing way to wrap up 2008. We hope that your Christmas was full of love and joy as well.

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