Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Garden Island - Kauai

Take a moment to imagine this: It is 7am and you rise to a warm breeze and the sound of palm trees swaying in the wind. You swagger down a set of stairs and walk to a balcony over looking the vast Pacific Ocean. It is just before sunrise, and after glancing to the left, a sliver of bright light breaks through on the ocean's horizon...almost blinding, yet oh-so beautiful. You continue to gaze in that direction and watch the sun rise inch by inch over the waters and realize that you are witnessing the beginning of another sun-kissed day. That, my friends, was my life for the past 10 glorious days in a place called the Garden Island, or better known as Kauai.

Yes, that's right, us "kids" (Matt, Ami, Nick and I) were yet again completely spoiled with a trip to Hawaii by the ridiculous generosity of Momasita and Papa-Lo. We shacked up in a 3 bedroom condo overlooking the ocean in town called Poi Pu. The nature of this trip was just like any other excursion the Mag 6 take: to live life together, creating memories and enjoying the majestic beauty that the Good Lord has blessed us with.

Our condo was elevated on a bluff, but a short 10 minute walk got us to one of the best beaches on the island. The bluff:Every day brought something new: Sometimes it was just a beach day with the fam...coming and going as we pleased; reading, swimming, snorkeling, napping and eating were the main activities for the day. Other days brought great adventures...hiking, boogie boarding, exploring the different towns and viewing with great wonder that majestic island holds.

I decided to break up each blog a little the posts to come will show a snippet of our vacation. Words and photos are really quite insignificant to illustrate just what a vacation can be. I will do my best, but really one's self can only internalize just how gloriously relaxing vacation can be when you let-go of everything else and just BE in the moment. I am first to admit that it is a tough thing to do...especially within the American culture of go, go,, do, do. But is so worth ditching that and living life as it should: Footloose and Fancy Free!

The fancy-smancy Hyatt Hotel was a short walk from our condo. It was HUGE and can see a bit of it behind Ami and I.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Sounds like a blast can't wait to hear more!!