Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tissue Anyone?

Remember a few months back every corner you turned there were warnings (threats really) of the feared Swine Flu? You couldn't flip a channel, read a newspaper headline or walk into a drug store without seeing the words Swine Flu/H1N1/Vaccination/Hospitalization/whatever! People were inundated with talk of the worst flu season ever. After weeks and weeks of talk, I knew 3, count it 3, people plagued with this illness. I thought we all got away easy on this trip...until now.

Last week the Flu, Head Cold, unknown illness, and the like swept across what seemed to be everyone in the Vann "circle of trust," and them some! We are talking gobs and gobs of friends and family struck down with sickness. We knew of people taking their babies to the walk in clinic due to random vomiting and other gory projections. We knew of adults taking a trip to the ER for IV injections to replenish fluids. We heard of more people at home sick, hugging the toilet and napping in the same week, than we probably did in the entire year last year. It was terrible. E-mails for prayers went out. Phone calls to cancel gatherings were made. The epidemic had hit and it hit HARD. Nick and I were amazed and grateful that we were at our peak of health. Our daily does of vitamins (Multi, Vit C, Vit D & Fish Oil), exercise, leafy green eating had paid off...we were living it large and untainted by the swooping plague. And then...luck run out...well, My luck that is.

I blame it on our quick little trip to Steilacoom and dwelling with 3 sick-with-different illnesses family members. I think my body was doing the best it could to fight off infection, until we were in the car on the way to church and there was slim to no chance I was going to get out un-tainted. My father, most recently diagnosed with walking pneumonia was hacking in the drivers seat (Ummmm...learning about that little piece of information would have been helpful BEFORE planning our trip home). My mother, coughing and sneezing in the passengers seat. My sister in the back sniffling her little heart out...all with Nick and I in the middle, staring at each other with fear in our eyes hoping for a small miracle: The germs leaking out through the cracks of the car and skidding across the freeway rather than marinating in the clean air we were currently breathing in. No such luck on the right side of the car...those germs clung to me and has left me with a bit of head cold.

For the record, I am NOT down and out for the count. I am not in any form to be in the ER or hugging the toilet or even napping 24/7. If anything, I consider my little sniffle to be a minor inconvenience...a slight cold, just passing by. This is either due to my ignorance or my Positive Psychology tendency: My behavior will follow my attitude. And my attitude is I am not going to get any more sick than the slight tiredness, with a few sneezes and sniffles that I currently have. Although, my little episode has reminded me of how horrible it is when you are not at your 100%. The exhaustion from getting out of bed to make toast. The dizziness while picking something up off the floor. The inability to TASTE food. The constant tenderness under your poor, little nose. The banishment from your significant since their desire of health overrides any sort of desired affection. So if anything...this little blog is for all my friends and family suffering through whatever YUCK you currently have. can't be long now until your health overcomes you! And when in doubt...convince yourself that when you wake up tomorrow you are going to be healed! A little Positive thought can go a LONG way regarding health!

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