Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Go Sounders!

Last weekend, we were spoiled by Ben and Jen (friends of ours....met during my Effectiveness Institute days) to a Sounders game. After a rousing dinner of the much delicious bottomless fries at Red Robin, we headed over to Seattle for the game. It being our first, we really didn't know what to expect...but I can honestly say it was riveting. The crowd totally gets into it. It's like they are a part of the team. The support, the enthusiasm, the die hard loyalty they showed the Sounders was not only impressive but influential. We stood the entire game...minus half time. Nick bought himself a scarf, because ever true Sounders fan needs to have one and waved that puppy with the best of 'um.
It was great to catch up on the last 2.5 years face-to-face with Ben and Jen and made a vow to not let that much time pass again. I mean...why is life so busy that that much time can pass and seem like a blink of an eye? Scary. Oh and just in case you were wondering...the Sounders beat Texas: 2-1.

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