Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is there more to life than a dog?

Little bear LOVES to kiss dad.

I know I have been blogging mostly about the dog lately...but truth be told, I honestly had no idea that I could actually love a dog this much. I guess I am shocked by my very own behavior and adoration for our new puppy. I never wanted to be one of those people who doted over their domestic pets...talking about them endlessly to anyone who was willing to listen. Last weekend I was afraid that I was in deed turning into one of those people. I had to candidly ask the bf, Anne Marie, her honest opinion if the above was true. She ever so confidently confirmed that no, I am not yet at that point. After all, Charlotte is still very new to our lives...she is still a puppy and learning new things each day; how to appropriately live in the Vann household. PLUS, people are still asking about her. So...AM's OK for now; just be sure to check yourself in a few months when the newness wears off. If I'm not careful, I could easily be one of "those" people.
Lately, I have been wondering if I talk to the dog more than I talk to Nick. After a objective look (as objective as a girl can get with herself), I have deduced that it's situational. Sometimes I just want her to sit on the floor and entertain herself for hours as Nick and I share life together. Then there are times when I just wanna scoop her up and never let her go. To me, this is normal...just like all the other things in my life; all things come in cycles. At times I have a high need for daily exercise, then other times the mere idea of exerting myself exhausts me. Or those one-off days when I NEED to a certain type of food that I usually never Chinese food or oranges. Either way, I am sure a balance will be discovered.

Nick and I have noticed a pattern with Charlotte's preferred resting spots in the house. She has a tendency to settle in anywhere that resembles a cave. Her favorite place when we are in the common area of the house is under the table:

Then sometimes, when we can't find her, we head towards the bedroom and often see this:

During my working hours, Charlotte sits at my feet under the desk:

And of course during movie time, she gets the best seat in the house.

She's a funny, funny doggy.


Brian Bowker said...

Little Charlotte is so cute! It was so fun to see her the other night! such a sweet disposition!

Matt said...

I don't think you talk about her too much. I'm happy that you love having a dog. All this reading about the three of you makes me want to get a dog....