Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A life lesson taught by the Food Waste men

I experienced a great gift today and wanted to share.
Every other Wednesday morning, I walk with Nick to the garage, then split off to take the recycling, food waste and trash bins to the curb for pick up. We always seem to have a really full food bin, filled with leaves, grass clippings or in this case a whole bunch of Pizza Hut boxes that Nick brought home from work after a company lunch (they were going to throw away the boxes, and my Green husband was not about to have that! Little tip: You can put food-soiled paper/cardboard in the food bin). There was very little room left in the food bin, but I noticed that our storm water ditch was packed full of leaves. I decided to grab the rake and cram what little amount of leaves I could into the bin. After about 2 minutes of this (please note that I am in still in my pajama-esk clothes) I was breaking out in a mild sweat. Raking leaves out of a steep trench, on wet, uneven grass is no easy feat. I soon had some great piles of soggy, wet, worm infested leaves piling. It was so satisfying! To my great dismay, I heard a loud vehicle coming my way. Reluctantly, I looked up and saw the food bin recycle truck backing up towards me. Frantic mode set in. I scrambled to pick up the muddy leaves by the arms full...hoping it would all fit. Soggy water was dripping all over me, flinging onto my face, but I couldn't stop...I could see the two men approaching. Soon enough...they arrived. I greeted them with a warm, "I really am not THAT crazy" smile and hello! We exchanged a few kind words as they patiently waited for me to finish filling up my bin. I thanked them profusely, then they drove off. Knowing how busy trash/recycle people can get, I was honored that they took the time to wait for me and even chat a bit. I also praised the Lord for His excellent timing, since I had a whole other trench to clean out and now I had an empty bin! I went at my task vigorously...there were 5 times as many leaves on that side and they were heavy. These leaves seemed even more caked in mud and grime and I thought perhaps this time I will run into the garage and get some gloves. Just as that thought happened, another loud vehicle approaching. Must be the plastic recycle truck I thought. I continued on my work and with a quick glance I discovered the same two men walking towards me again. "It's a slow day and we thought we would whip around the block one more time to take more of your leaves." Due to the shock and deep appreciation of these men, I aggressively dove into the slimy leave pile once again and started throwing them into the bin. Again...mud was flying all over; sogging my arms and sleeves, but I couldn't slow down...I wanted them to see how grateful I was by working quickly. One of the men helped me by grabbing the rake and re-piling the leaves as I grabbed them. I kept on thanking them and saying random things, like how great team work is, and sunny days make it easier to work and who knows what else. I kept on wishing that I had baked something yesterday so I could show my gratitude...but alas, they only got one hundred thank yous and "a have a nice day!" Once they left I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. I was suddenly overcome by an overwhelming feeling of joy. Then my daily lesson hit me: Slowing down in life can make such a big difference...especially if it is for other people. It helped me mentally re balance this busy time of year, filled with errands to run and gifts to buy and events to go to. I realized that perhaps the best gift I have to give is my time and attention, and by slowing down.


Kristen said...

What a great story!

Matt said...

Great story. I am sitting here typing on the computer watching two birds feed off of some bread that I had put out for them. Sometimes it is nice to slow down and see life at a slower pace.

Brian Bowker said...

I can't decide if I think that you have really nice Food Waste Men, or if the Food Waste Men just wanted to get a second look at the crazy blond girl in pajamas throwing muddy leaves all over herself...