Monday, March 16, 2009

Delya Debut

Week 3: "What the heck are you doing Auntie Andi...Another Picture???!!!"
A few weeks ago my parents hosted what my mom coined: "The Delya Debut." She invited the family over for a little show and tell of her new grand daughter. Nick and I joined in on the debut of course, after all Nick had yet to meet his niece. It was a great time and I really enjoyed seeing not only how much Delya had grown in the last 2 weeks, but also how Matt and Ami have grown in parenthood. I was taken aback at their love for their little one...let alone their enhanced communication with each other and complete sense of servant hood. Child bearing seems to be doing wonders for them!

Passed out in what Matt calls a "milk coma:"

Aunt Andi and Uncle Nick beginning the spoiling: Love, love and more love.

Aunt Andi starting the lessons on how to whoop Uncle Nick at Scrabble (I'm not sure she's too into it yet):

1 comment:

Shannon said...

That first pic is awesome! Congrats on being an auntie- my sister's about to have another baby in a few weeks, so fun! Thanks for checking in- it's so nice. We can't wait to be in Bellingham and I'm excited to spend time together. Thanks for all the work and praying you are already doing- oh yes, and your dog's adorable!